Analisis kecemasan pada ibu hamil selama masa pandemi covid-19 di wilayah kerja UPT Puskesmas Kelampangan Kota Palangka Raya

Anita, Sunjaya (2021) Analisis kecemasan pada ibu hamil selama masa pandemi covid-19 di wilayah kerja UPT Puskesmas Kelampangan Kota Palangka Raya. Skripsi, PROGRAM STUDI SARJANA TERAPAN KEBIDANAN, POLTEKKES KEMKES PALANGKARAYA.

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Latar Belakang: Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara yang terjangkit pandemi Corona Virus Disease- 19 (COVID-19) dengan angka kejadian terkonfirmasi COVID-19 yang bertambah secara fluktuatif, menyerang seluruh kelompok termasuk kelompok ibu hamil. Dampak lanjut dari infeksi COVID-19 pada ibu hamil ialah adanya munculnya kekhawatiran atau kecemasan yang dapat menurunkan imun ibu sehingga ibu hamil akan semakin rentan terinfeksi COVID-19 Metodologi Penelitian: Desain penelitian croos sectional, dengan sampel ibu hamil trimester III yang melakukan Ante Natal Care atau yang ada di Wilayah Kerja UPT Puskesmas Kalampangan yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi Hasil : jumlah responden sebanyak 133 orang, sebanyak 92 responden (69,2%) tidak cemas dan 41 responden (30,8%) ibu hamil dengan kecemasan ringan. Berdasarkan umur, yang terbanyak adalah ibu hamil berumur tidak berisiko (53,4%), paritas primigravida (51,1%), pendidikan dasar (51,9%), tidak bekerja (68,4%) dan kawin tercatat (78,9%). Berdasarkan uji chi square dapat disimpulkan ada hubungan yang signifikan umur ibu hamil, paritas dan pendidikan ibu terhadap kejadian kecemasan selama masa pandemic Covid-19. Sedangkan untuk status bekerja dan status perkawinan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian kecemasan pada ibu hamil. Diharapkan bagi masyarakat/ ibu hamil untuk dapat meningkatkan lagi fungsi keluarga, karena selama masa pandemik Covid-19 fungsi keluarga meningkat dalam beberapa hal sebagai akibat dari isolasi diri, termasuk peningkatan dukungan sosial dari anggota keluarga ketika ibu hamil membutuhkan dukungan untuk mencegah kecemasan, berbagi emosi dalam keluarga dan berbagi belas kasih antar anggota keluarga

Background: Indonesia as one of the countries affected by the Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic with a fluctuating number of confirmed cases of COVID-19, attacking all groups including pregnant women. The further impact of COVID-19 infection on pregnant women is the emergence of concern or anxiety that can reduce the mother's immunity so that pregnant women will be more susceptible to COVID-19 infection. Research Methodology: Cross sectional research design, with samples of third trimester pregnant women who perform Ante Natal Care or those in the Work Area of UPT Puskesmas Kalampangan who meet the inclusion criteria Results: the number of respondents was 133 people, as many as 92 respondents (69.2%) were not anxious and 41 respondents (30.8%) were pregnant women with mild anxiety. Based on age, the majority were pregnant women aged not at risk (53.4%), primigravida parity (51.1%), basic education (51.9%), not working (68.4%) and married recorded (78, 9%). Based on the chi square test, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the age of pregnant women, parity and mother's education on the incidence of anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic. As for working status and marital status there is no significant relationship with the incidence of anxiety in pregnant women. It is hoped that the community/pregnant women will be able to improve their family functions, because during the Covid-19 pandemic, family functions have increased in several ways as a result of selfisolation, including increased social support from family members when pregnant women need support to prevent anxiety, share emotions in the family and share compassion among family members

Item Type: Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: ibu hamil, kecemasan, pandemic Covid-19, PKM Kalampangan
Subjects: 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1110 Nursing > 111005 Mental Health Nursing
11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1110 Nursing > 111006 Midwifery
11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1110 Nursing > 111010 Evidence-Based Nursing
11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1117 Public Health and Health Services > 111714 Mental Health
Divisions: Jurusan Kebidanan > Program Studi Diploma IV Kebidanan
Supervisor: Sukriani, Wahidah and Wahyuni, Seri
Depositing User: Akreditasi Kebidanan
Date Deposited: 02 Dec 2021 17:54
Last Modified: 02 Dec 2021 17:54

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