Hubungan Mutu Pelayanan Keperawatan dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap di RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanus Kota Palangka Raya

Danuarta, Welan (2023) Hubungan Mutu Pelayanan Keperawatan dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap di RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanus Kota Palangka Raya. Skripsi, PROGRAM STUDI SARJANA TERAPAN KEPERAWATAN, POLTEKKES KEMENKES PALANGKA RAYA.

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Latar Belakang: Pelayanan kesehatan dan kepuasan pasien menjadi indikator penting keberhasilan dari penyelenggara pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit. Di Indonesia, tepatnya di provinsi Maluku Tegah menunjukkan angka kepuasaan pasien 42,8% dan sebesar 44,4% di Sumatera Barat. Indeks kepuasan masyarakat terhadap pelayanan kesehatan di kota Palangka Raya Tahun 2020 adalah sebesar 79,27%, nilai tersebut tergolong mengalami penurunan dibandingkan hasil survey kepuasan pasien pada tahun 2019 sebesar 94%.
Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk memperoleh deskripsi tentang bagaimana hubungan antara tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap mutu pelayanan kesehatan rawat inap di RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanus Kota Palangka Raya.
Metode Penelitian: Desain penelitian menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional, teknik sampling menggunakan metode non probability sampling berupa accidental sampling dengan jumlah responden sebesar 100 orang pasien. Analisis statistik menggunakan Chi square.
Hasil Penelitian: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada responden pasien rawat inap di RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanus kota palangka raya yang berjumlah 100 orang, didapatkan hasil persentase sebesar 53,0%. Artinya dapat dikategorikan pasien merasa cukup puas dengan kualitas mutu pelayanan keperawatan yang diberikan oleh rumah sakit.
Kesimpulan: Pada penelitian ini menunjukan adanya hubungan mutu pelayanan keperawatan dengan tingkat kepuasan pasien rawat inap di RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanus kota palangka raya (p-value = 0,035 sign.(α) < 0,05).

Background: Health services and patient satisfaction are important indicators of the success of health service providers in hospitals. In Indonesia, to be precise in the province of Central Maluku, it shows a patient satisfaction rate of 42.8% and 44.4% in West Sumatra. The public satisfaction index for health services in the city of Palangka Raya in 2020 was 79.27%, this value is classified as a decrease compared to the results of the patient satisfaction survey in 2019 of 94%.
Research Objective: To obtain a description of how the relationship between the level of patient satisfaction with the quality of inpatient health services at RSUD Dr. Doris Sylvanus Palangka Raya City.
Research Methods: The research design used a cross-sectional approach, the sampling technique used a non-probability sampling method in the form of accidental sampling with a total of 100 patients. Statistical analysis using Chi square.
Research Results: Based on the results of research on inpatient respondents at Dr. Doris Sylvanus Hospital, Palangka Raya city, totaling 100 people, obtained a percentage of 53.0%. This means that it can be categorized that patients are quite satisfied with the quality of the nursing services provided by the hospital.
Conclusion: This study shows the relationship between the quality of nursing services with the level of satisfaction of inpatients at RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanus palangka raya city (p-value = 0.035 sign. (α) <0.05).

Item Type: Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: Kepuasan pasien, mutu pelayanan, rawat inap Keywords: Patient satisfaction, service quality, inpatient care
Subjects: 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1110 Nursing > 111007 Nursing Theory
11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1110 Nursing > 111009 Nursing Research
11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1117 Public Health and Health Services > 111799 Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Jurusan Keperawatan > Program Studi Diploma IV Keperawatan
Supervisor: Yeyentimalla, Yeyentimalla and Datak, Gad
Depositing User: Welan Danuarta
Date Deposited: 25 Oct 2023 01:58
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2023 01:58

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