Perbandingan lama pelepasan tali pusat bayi baru lahir yang menggunakan benang tali pusat dan Clem Umbilical Cord di PMB “R” Kota Palangka Raya

Mandarie, Ariska surya (2020) Perbandingan lama pelepasan tali pusat bayi baru lahir yang menggunakan benang tali pusat dan Clem Umbilical Cord di PMB “R” Kota Palangka Raya. Skripsi, PROGRAM STUDI SARJANA TERAPAN KEBIDANAN, POLTEKKES KEMENKES PALANGKARAYA.

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Latar Belakang: Angka kematian bayi di Kalimantan Tengah tahun 2017 sebanyak 24/1.000 kelahiran hidup yang berarti setiap seribu kelahiran hidup terdapat 1 atau 2 kematian bayi. Tingginya angka kematian salah satunya disebabkan infeksi neonatal karena masuknya kuman.Terkait pada tali pusat bisa menjadi jalan masuk untuk terjadinya proses infeksi Tujuan : Mengetahui perbandingan lama pelepasan tali pusat yang menggunakan benang tali pusat dan clem umbilical cord. Metode: menggunakan Quasy Eksperiment dengan rancangan Postest Only Control Group Design. Teknik sampling menggunakan Consecutive Sampling. Sampel berjumlah 32 bayi yang lahir di PMB R bulan Januari-Maret 2020. Hasil: Hasil penelitian perawatan menggunakan benang pelepasan tali pusatnya cepat 10 bayi (62,5%), normal 5 bayi (31,2%). Pada perawatan menggunakan clem umbilical cord pelepasan tali pusat normal 9 bayi (56,25%), dan pelepasan tali pusat lambat 7 bayi (43,75%). Hasil Uji Mann Whitney terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara penggunaan benang dan clem umbilical cord dengan p-value 0,000. Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbandingan lama pelepasan tali pusat bayi baru lahir menggunakan benang tali pusat dan clem umbilical cord.

Background: The infant mortality rate in Central Kalimantan in 2017 is 24 / 1,000 live births which means that every thousand live births there are 1 or 2 baby deaths. The high mortality rate is one of them due to neonatal infection due to the entry of germs. Linked to the umbilical cord can be an entry point for the infection process. Objective: To determine the comparison of the length of umbilical cord release using umbilical cord and clem umbilical cord. Method: use Quasy Experiment with Postest Only Control Group Design. The sampling technique uses consecutive sampling. A sample of 32 infants born at PMB R in January-March 2020. Results: The results of treatment research using fast cord release threads 10 infants (62.5%), normal 5 infants (31.2%). In treatment using clem umbilical cord, the umbilical cord release was normal in 9 infants (56.25%), and the umbilical cord was released in 7 infants (43.75%). Mann Whitney Test Results there is a significant difference between the use of yarn and clem umbilical cord with a p-value of 0,000. Conclusion: There is a comparison of the length of the newborn's umbilical cord release using umbilical cord and clem umbilical cord.

Item Type: Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Perawatan Tali Pusat, Benang Tali Pusat, Clem Umbilical Cord dan Lama pelepasan
Subjects: 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics > 110102 Medical Biochemistry - Carbohydrates
11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics > 110106 Medical Biochemistry - Proteins and Peptides (incl. Medical Proteomics)
11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics
Divisions: Jurusan Kebidanan > Program Studi Diploma IV Kebidanan
Supervisor: Lucin, Yeni and Yuniarti, Yuniarti
Depositing User: Akreditasi Kebidanan
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2021 06:38
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2021 06:38

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