Pengaruh Proporsi Tepung Komposit (Tepung Ikan Toman dan Tepung Tempe) dan Tepung Terigu Terhadap Kadar Protein, Mutu Organoleptik dan Daya Terima Cookies Rhyanna

Puspayindra, Talia (2023) Pengaruh Proporsi Tepung Komposit (Tepung Ikan Toman dan Tepung Tempe) dan Tepung Terigu Terhadap Kadar Protein, Mutu Organoleptik dan Daya Terima Cookies Rhyanna. Skripsi, PROGRAM STUDI SARJANA TERAPAN GIZI DAN DIETETIKA, POLTEKKES KEMENKES PALANGKARAYA.

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Cookies adalah jenis makanan ringan yang digemari banyak masyarakat termasuk semua golongan umur mulai dari anak-anak, remaja ataupun dewasa dan sudah berumur. Cookies yang beredar dipasaran mempunyai kandungan gizi yang tidak seimbang. Kandungan gizi yang banyak terdapat pada cookies adalah karbohidrat, natrium, gula dan lemak yang tinggi. Pembuatan cookies Rhyanna ini diharapkan dapat menambah variasi produk olahan pangan lokal yang tinggi protein. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh proporsi tepung komposit (tepung ikan toman dan tepung tempe) dan tepung terigu terhadap kadar protein, mutu organoleptik dan daya terima cookies Rhyanna. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 9 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan yaitu proporsi tepung komposit dan tepung terigu yaitu K1T1 (30%:70%), K1T2 (30%:60%), K1T3 (30%:50%), K2T1 (40%:70%), K2T2 (40%:60%), K2T3 (40%:50%), K3T1 (50%:70%), K3T2 (50%:60%), dan K3T3 (50%:50%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh kadar protein berkisar antara 16,9%-21,4%. Kadar protein tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan K3T3 yaitu 21,4%. Hasil uji mutu organoleptik cookies Rhyanna memiliki warna kuning pucat, beraroma khas cookies, memiliki rasa yang manis dan tekstur renyah. Sedangkan, hasil uji daya terima diketahui bahwa pada perlakuan K2T3 paling disukai dari semua aspek sensoris. Disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh tepung komposit terhadap kadar protein, mutu organoleptik dan daya terima cookies Rhyanna.

xiii+51 hlm; 2023; 17 tabel; 15 gambar
Daftar Pustaka: 53 buah (2015-2022)
Kata Kunci: tepung ikan toman, tepung tempe, kadar protein, mutu organoleptik dan daya terima

Cookies are a type of snack that is popular with many people, including all age groups, from children, teenagers or adults to old age. Cookies circulating in the market have an unbalanced nutritional content. The nutritional content that is widely found in cookies is carbohydrates, sodium, sugar and high fat. The making of Rhyanna's cookies is expected to increase the variety of local processed food products that are high in protein. This study aims to determine the effect of the proportions of composite flour (toman fish meal and tempeh flour) and wheat flour on protein content, organoleptic quality and acceptability of Rhyanna's cookies. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) with 9 treatments and 3 replications, namely the proportions of composite flour and wheat flour, namely K1T1 (30%:70%), K1T2 (30%:60%), K1T3 (30%:50%) , K2T1 (40%:70%), K2T2 (40%:60%), K2T3 (40%:50%), K3T1 (50%:70%), K3T2 (50%:60%), and K3T3 (50 %:50%). Based on the research results, protein levels were obtained ranging from 16.9% -21.4%. The highest protein content was found in the K3T3 treatment, namely 21.4%. The results of the organoleptic quality test of Rhyanna cookies have a pale yellow color, have a distinctive cookie aroma, have a sweet taste and crunchy texture. Meanwhile, the results of the acceptance test show that the K2T3 treatment is the most favorable from all sensory aspects. It was concluded that there was an effect of composite flour on protein content, organoleptic quality and acceptability of Rhyanna's cookies.

xiii+51 page; 2023; 17 table; 15 pictures
Bibliography: 53 pieces (2015-2022)
Keywords: toman fish meal, tempeh flour, protein content, organoleptic quality and acceptability

Item Type: Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: tepung ikan toman, tepung tempe, kadar protein, mutu organoleptik dan daya terima
Subjects: 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics > 111104 Public Nutrition Intervention
Divisions: Jurusan Gizi > Program Studi Diploma IV Gizi
Supervisor: Kusfriyadi, Mars Khendra and Rahayu, Cucu
Depositing User: Talia Puspayindra
Date Deposited: 24 Oct 2023 09:11
Last Modified: 24 Oct 2023 09:11

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