Analisis zat gizi, mutu organoleptik dan daya terima formula ready to use therapeutic food (RUTF) berbasis pangan lokal

Putri, Sonia Fatmala (2021) Analisis zat gizi, mutu organoleptik dan daya terima formula ready to use therapeutic food (RUTF) berbasis pangan lokal. Laporan Tugas Akhir, PROGRAM STUDI DIPLOMA III GIZI, POLTEKKES KEMENKES PALANGKARAYA.

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Latar belakang : Formula Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) merupakan makanan pemulihan untuk balita sangat kurus (wasting). RUFT dipercaya dapat menurunkan kejadian balita balita kurus sebesar 36% dan sangat kurus sebesar 58%, namun sejauh ini RUFT di Indonesia belum banyak dikembangkan terutama RUTF berbasis pangan lokal. Sepenuhnya potensi dari pangan lokal seperti ikan haruan, ikan seluang, ikan patin, pisang dantalas ditinjau dari kandungan gizi dan manfaatnya untuk tubuh sangat berpotensi untuk di manfaatkan menjadi suatu olahan yang variatif salah satunya bahan baku untuk produk formula RUTF.

Metode penelitian : deskriptif analitik.

Tujuan : Mengetahui gambaran kandungan gizi, mutu organoleptik dan daya terima Formula Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) Berbasis Pangan Lokal.

Hasil penelitian : Kandungan gizi yang paling mendekati standar gizi menurut Unicef adalah formula P2, Sifat organoleptik terhadap warna dari formula P1 adalah coklat muda 72%, P2 adalah coklat tua 40% dan P3 adalah coklat pucat 44%. tekstur menyatakan bahwa tekstur dari formula ialah lunak P1 80% , P2 64% dan P3 52%, rasa menyatakan P1 manis 60%, P2 manis 68% dan P3 menunjukkan rasa yang agak manis 44%. aroma dari P1 beraroma susu 53% cenderung netral 36%, P2 beraroma susu 60% dan P3 netral 52%, daya terima paling disukai ialah formula P2.

Kesimpulan : formula P2 (selpis) memiliki kandungan nilai gizi yang paling baik, mutu organoleptik formula P2 (selpis) memiliki warna coklat tua, beraroma susu, tekstur lunak, dan rasa yang manis dan daya terima dari tiga formula yang paling disukai ialah formula P2 (selpis) yang berbahan dasar ikan seluang dan pisang.

Background : RUTF is a recovery food for very thin toddlers (wasting). RUFT is believed to be able to reduce the incidence of under-five under five underweight by 36% and very thin by 58%, but so far RUFT in Indonesia has not been developed much, especially RUTF based on local food. The full potential of local food such as haruan fish, sling fish, catfish, banana and taro in terms of its nutritional content and benefits for the body has the potential to be utilized into a variety of preparations, one of which is the raw material for RUTF formula products.

Research method : analytical descriptive.

Perpose : To determine the description of nutritional content, organoleptic quality and acceptability of the Local Food-Based Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) Formula.

The results of the study : The nutritional content which is closest to the nutritional standard according to Unicef is the P2 formula, the organoleptic properties of the color of the P1 formula are 72% light brown, P2 is 40% dark brown and P3 is 44% pale brown. texture states that the texture of the formula is soft P1 80%, P2 64% and P3 52%, the taste says P1 is 60% sweet, P2 is 68% sweet and P3 shows a slightly sweet taste 44%. The aroma of P1 has 53% milk aroma tends to be neutral 36%, P2 has 60% milk aroma and 52% neutral P3, the most preferred acceptability is formula P2.

Conclusion: the P2 formula (selpis) has the best nutritional value, the organoleptic quality of the P2 formula (selpis) has a dark brown color, has a milky aroma, soft texture, and a sweet taste and the acceptance of the three most preferred formulas is the P2 formula ( selpis) which is made from fish and banana.

Item Type: Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa (Laporan Tugas Akhir)
Uncontrolled Keywords: kandungan gizi, mutu organoleptik, daya terima formula ready to use therapeuticfood (rutf) berbasis pangan lokal
Subjects: 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics > 111104 Public Nutrition Intervention
11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics > 111199 Nutrition and Dietetics not elsewhere classified
06 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES > 0607 Plant Biology
11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics
Divisions: Jurusan Gizi > Program Studi Diploma III Gizi
Supervisor: Kusfriyadi, Mars Khendra
Depositing User: Sonia Fatmala Putri
Date Deposited: 05 Apr 2022 07:31
Last Modified: 05 Apr 2022 07:31

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