Pengaruh pemberian biskuit prebiotik terhadap status gizi balita gizi kurang di Kelurahan Tampang Tumbang Anjir Kabupaten Gunung Mas

Sari, Yessy Martha (2022) Pengaruh pemberian biskuit prebiotik terhadap status gizi balita gizi kurang di Kelurahan Tampang Tumbang Anjir Kabupaten Gunung Mas. Skripsi, PROGRAM STUDI SARJANA TERAPAN GIZI DAN DIETETIKA, POLTEKKES KEMENKES PALANGKA RAYA.

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Kesehatan anak bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan generasi yang sehat, cerdas, dan berkualitas. Anak balita merupakan kelompok rawan gizi yang sangat perlu mendapat perhatian khusus dalam penanganan masalah gizi. Hasil dari e-PPGBM per bulan Februari di Kelurahan Tampang Tumbang Anjir diketahui 10 % balita kurus, 13,29 % balita pendek dan 7,53 % balita gizi kurang. Pemberian makanan tambahan salah satu upaya dalam memperbaiki status gizi balita dengan memperhatikan mutu dan nilai gizinya terutama berbasis pangan lokal. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian gizi masyarakat, bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian biskuit prebiotik dengan komposisi tepung mocaf, kacang hijau dan bawang dayak terhadap status gizi balita gizi kurang di Kelurahan Tampang Tumbang Anjir yang dilakukan pada Januari s/d Maret 2022.

Jenis penelitian adalah Quasi Eksperimental dengan rancangan penelitian yang dipilih adalah Non Equivalent Control Group Design dimana responden berjumlah 32 responden terbagi kedalam dua kelompok, 16 kelompok kontrol dan 16 kelompok eksperimen. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui lembar observasi, kemudian data yang diperoleh, dianalisis dan dijelaskan secara deskriptif. Analisis data menggunakan Paired T-Test untuk melihat kenaikan BB awal dan akhir serta perubahan status gizi kelompok eksperimen.

Hasil analisis menunjukkan ada pengaruh pemberian biskuit prebiotik terhadap perubahan berat badan balita dengan nilai p=0.000 (p<0,05) dan analisis Independent Sample T-Test untuk melihat perbedaan antara kelompok eksperimen dengan kelompok kontrol. Hasil analisis menunjukkan ada perbedaan berat badan setelah pemberian biskuit prebiotik dengan nilai p=0.000 (p<0,05).

Kesimpulan penelitian adalah ada pengaruh pemberian biskuit prebiotik terhadap perubahan berat badan balita gizi kurang di Posyandu wilayah Kelurahan Tampang Tumbang Anjir Kabupaten Gunung Mas.

Child health aims to prepare a generation that was healthy, intelligent, and of high quality. Children under five were nutritionally vulnerable groups that really need special attention in handling nutritional problems. The results of the e-PPGBM as of February 2021, the Gunung Mas District Health Office found 14.5% underweight toddlers, 19.47% short toddlers and 9.89% undernourished toddlers, in Tampang Tumbang Anjir Village it was found that 10% were underweight, 13, 29% short toddlers and 7.53% undernourished toddlers. The provision of supplementary food was one of the efforts to improve the nutritional status of children under five, where the supplementary food provided still pays attention to the quality and nutritional value, especially those based on local food.

This research aims to determine the effect of giving prebiotic biscuits with the composition of mocaf flour, mung bean flour and dayak onion flour on the nutritional status of undernourished children under five in Tampang Tumbang Anjir Village, Gunung Mas Regency, which was conducted from January to March 2022. The type of research was Quasi-Experimental with the chosen research design was Non-Equivalent Control Group Design where the respondents are 32 respondents divided into two groups, 16 respondents in the control group and 16 respondents in the experimental group. The technique of collecting data was through observation / control sheets, where then the data obtained are analyzed and explained descriptively. Data analysis used Paired T-Test to see the initial and final weight gain and to see changes in the nutritional status of the experimental group.

The results of the analysis showed that there was an effect of giving prebiotic biscuits to changes in body weight with a value of p=0.000 (p<0.05) and Independent Sample T-Test analysis to see the difference between the sample of the experimental group and the sample of the control group.

The results of the analysis showed that there was a difference in body weight after giving prebiotic biscuits the difference between the experimental group sample and the control group sample with the result p=0.000 (p<0.05). The conclusion of this research was that were an effect of giving prebiotic biscuits to changes in the weight of undernourished children under five years in the Posyandu in the Tampang Tumbang Anjir Village, Gunung Mas Regency.

Item Type: Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: balita gizi kurang, daya terima, biskuit prebiotik, berat badan, status gizi
Subjects: 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics > 111104 Public Nutrition Intervention
11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics
Divisions: Jurusan Gizi > Program Studi Diploma IV Gizi
Supervisor: Supriyono, Teguh and Rahayu, Cucu
Depositing User: Yessy Martha Sari
Date Deposited: 28 Oct 2022 08:35
Last Modified: 28 Oct 2022 08:35

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