Hubungan status gizi dan keterpaparan media massa dengan usia menarche remaja putri di MTsN 2 kota Palangka Raya

Nurjanah, Evi (2024) Hubungan status gizi dan keterpaparan media massa dengan usia menarche remaja putri di MTsN 2 kota Palangka Raya. Skripsi, PROGRAM STUDI SARJANA TERAPAN KEBIDANAN, KEMENKES POLTEKKES PALANGKARAYA.

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Latar Belakang : Menarche adalah terjadinya haid pertama yang merupakan salah satu tanda seks primer dan disertai dengan tanda seks sekunder. Menarche secara normal terjadi pada usia 12-14 tahun. Dengan penurunan usia menarche ini, terdapat dampak negatif terhadap kesehatan remaja karena remaja adalah bagian dari populasi yang sangat penting. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan status gizi dan keterpaparan media massa dengan usia menarche remaja putri di MTsN 2 Kota Palangka Raya. Metode Penelitian: Desain penelitian kuantitatif, dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Populasi remaja putri kelas VIII sejumlah 152, sampel diperoleh sebanyak 88 responden, teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling. Instrumen berupa kuesioner untuk mengukur kedua variabel. Selanjutnya hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan bantuan SPSS, menggunakan Uji Chi-Square. Hasil Penelitian: Hasil Uji analisa dengan menggunakan chi-square dengan taraf signifikan α 5% menunjukkan adanya hubungan status gizi dengan usia menarche dengan nilai p = 0.011 < α 0,05, sehingga hipotesis H0 ditolak Ha diterima yaitu ada hubungan bermakna antara status gizi dengan usia menarche remaja putri di MTsN 2 Kota Palangka Raya, sedangkan hasil uji analisa menggunakan chi-square menunjukan tidak adanya hubungan antara keterpaparan media massa dengan usia menarche dengan nilai p= 0,482 > α 0,05, sehingga H0 diterima yaitu tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara keterpaparan media massa dengan usia menarche remaja putri di MTsN 2 Kota Palangka Raya. Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara status gizi dengan usia menarche remaja putri di MTsN 2 Kota Palangka Raya, sedangkan untuk keterpaparan media massa tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara keterpaparan media massa dengan usia menarche remaja putri di MTsN 2 Kota Palangka Raya.

Background : Menarche is the occurrence of the first menstruation which is one of the primary sexual signs and is accompanied by secondary sexual signs. Menarche normally occurs at the age of 12-14 years. With this decrease in the age of menarche, there is a negative impact on adolescent health because adolescents are a very important part of the population. Purpose Research : The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between nutritional status and exposure to mass media with the age of menarche for adolescent girls at MTsN 2 Palangka Raya City. Research Method: Quantitative research design, with a cross sectional approach. The population of female teenagers in class VIII was 152, the sample obtained was 88 respondents, the sampling technique used purposive sampling. The instrument is a questionnaire to measure the two variables. Next, the research results were analyzed with the help of SPSS, using the Chi-Square Test. Results: The results of the analysis test using chi-square with a significance level of α 5% showed that there was a relationship between nutritional status and age at menarche with a value of p = 0.011 < α 0.05, so the hypothesis H0 was rejected. Ha was accepted, namely that there was a significant relationship between nutritional status and age at menarche for teenagers. girls at MTsN 2 Palangka Raya City, while the results of the analysis test using chi-square showed that there was no relationship between mass media exposure and age at menarche with a p value = 0.482 > α 0.05, so H0 was accepted, namely there was no significant relationship between media exposure mass of menarche age teenage girls at MTsN 2 Palangka Raya City. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between nutritional status and age of menarche for adolescent girls at MTsN 2 Palangka Raya City, while for mass media exposure there is no significant relationship between mass media exposure and age at menarche for adolescent girls at MTsN 2 Palangka Raya City

Number Page 108 pp, 2024; 9 tables ; 3 pictures
Bibliography: 41 pieces (2016-2023)
Keywords: Nutritional Status, Exposure to Mass Media, Menarche, Adolescent Girls

Item Type: Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Status Gizi, Ketepaparan Media Massa, Menarche,Remaja Putri
Subjects: 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1110 Nursing > 111006 Midwifery
11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics > 111102 Dietetics and Nutrigenomics
11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1117 Public Health and Health Services > 111712 Health Promotion
Divisions: Jurusan Kebidanan > Program Studi Diploma IV Kebidanan
Supervisor: Legawati, Legawati and Febriani, Irene
Depositing User: Evi Nurjanah
Date Deposited: 16 Sep 2024 07:30
Last Modified: 16 Sep 2024 07:30

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