Analisis kadar gula dalam minuman kekinian menggunakan uji luff schoorl

Luthfi, Nur Annisa (2022) Analisis kadar gula dalam minuman kekinian menggunakan uji luff schoorl. Laporan Tugas Akhir, PROGRAM STUDI DIPLOMA III GIZI, POLTEKKES KEMENKES PALANGKA RAYA.

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Latar belakang : Kepopuleran kuliner minuman ini menciptakan istilah baru yaitu minuman kekinian yang secara harfiah memiliki arti yaitu sesuatu yang diminum pada masa kini. Minuman kekinian salah satunya yaitu boba milk tea termasuk yang memiliki kadar gula tinggi, kalori tinggi dan termasuk dalam minuman berpemanis. Sering mengkonsumsi gula berlebihan dapat berdampak dan menyumbang cukup besar peningkatan asupan gula yang menjadi faktor risiko obesitas dan penyakit degeneratif.

Tujuan : Mengetahui kadar gula dalam minuman kekinian menggunakan Uji Luff Shoorl.

Metode penelitian : Menggunakan metode Luff Schoorl yang telah ditetapkan oleh BSN dalam SNI 01-28911992.

Hasil dan pembahasan : kadar gula reduksi dalam minuman jenis bubble drink dengan kode sampel MT-A yaitu sebesar 6,1% dan pada kode sampel MT-B sebesar 9,9%, minuman jenis es kopi susu dengan kode sampel EK-A yaitu sebesar 9,9% dan pada kode sampel EK-B sebesar 8,6%, dan minuman jenis es cokelat dengan kode sampel EC-A yaitu sebesar 11,2% dan pada kode sampel EC-B sebesar 4,23%.

Kesimpulan : Kadar gula reduksi tertinggi didapat pada sampel es cokelat dengan kode sampel EC-A sebesar 11,2% dan kadar gula terendah didapat pada sampel es cokelat dengan kode sampel EC-B sebesar 4,23%. Dibandingkan dengan syarat zat gizi gula dalam minuman siap saji yang ditetapkan BPOM, hanya satu sampel yang memenuhi syarat yaitu sampel minuman es cokelat dengan kode sampel EC-B sebesar 4,23 gram (<6 gram per 100 ml). Sedangkan bila dibandingkan dengan anjuran konsumsi gula per orang per hari, semua sampel masih dalam batas anjuran (<50 gram).

Background : The culinary popularity of this drink has created a new term, namely contemporary drink which literally means something that is drunk today. One of the contemporary drinks is boba milk tea, including those that have high sugar content, high calories and are included in sweetened drinks. Frequent consumption of excessive sugar can have an impact and contribute significantly to an increase in sugar intake which is a risk factor for obesity and degenerative diseases.

Objective : To determine the sugar content in contemporary drinks using The Luff Schoorl Test.

Research method : Using Luff Schoorl method which has been determined by BSN in SNI 01-28911992.

Results and discussion : Reducing sugar content in bubble drink type with the sample code MT-A which is 6,1% and the sample code MT-B by 9,9%, iced coffee milk with the sample code EK-A which is equal to 9,9% and the sample code EK-B is 8,6%, and the ice chocolate type drink with the sample code EC-A is 11,2% and the sample code EC-B is 4,23%.

Conclusion : The highest reducing sugar content was obtained in the sample of chocolate ice with the sample code EC-A of 11,2% and the lowest sugar content was obtained in the sample of chocolate ice with the sample code EC-B of 4,23%. Compared to the nutritional requirements for sugar in ready-to-drink drinks set by BPOM, only one sample met the requirements, namely the ice chocolate drink sample with the sample code EC-B of 4.23 grams (<6 grams per 100 ml). Meanwhile, when compared with the recommended sugar consumption per person per day, all samples were still within the recommended limit (<50 grams).

Item Type: Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa (Laporan Tugas Akhir)
Uncontrolled Keywords: kadar gula, minuman kekinian
Subjects: 09 ENGINEERING > 0908 Food Sciences > 090803 Food Nutritional Balance
11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics > 111102 Dietetics and Nutrigenomics
09 ENGINEERING > 0908 Food Sciences
11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics
Divisions: Jurusan Gizi > Program Studi Diploma III Gizi
Supervisor: Kusfriyadi, Mars Khendra
Depositing User: Oktaviani Pinatik
Date Deposited: 16 May 2023 04:52
Last Modified: 16 May 2023 04:52

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